Title of the Paper: Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data about Covid-19
Authors: S. Vineetha, G. Divya, V. Murali Mohan, Rekha Gangula
The novel (COVID-19) pandemic is the most talked subject in web-based media stages in 2020.
Individuals are utilizing web-based media, for example, Twitter to offer their viewpoint and offer data on
various issues identified with the COVID-19 in this stay at home request. Here we have explored the
conclusion and feeling of people groups in the U.S.A regarding the matter of resuming. We pick the online
media stage Twitter for our examination and study the Tweets to find the nostalgic point of view, enthusiastic
viewpoint, and setting off words towards the returning. During this COVID-19 pandemic, analysts have made
some examination on different online media dataset with respect to lockdown and stay at home. Be that as it
may, in our examination, we are especially in trigued to dissect public estimation on returning. Our significant
finding is that when all states resorted to lockdown in March, individuals showed predominant feeling of dread,
yet as resuming begins individuals have less dread. While this might be valid, because of this resuming stage
day by day surecasesarerisingcontrastedwiththelockdowncircumstance.Generally speaking, individuals have a
more positive assumption towards the circumstance of resuming.
Keywords: Corona virus, Twitter, sentiment ,emotion, re-opening
IJECRT- International Journal of Engineering Computational Research and Technology , ISSN (Online): 2456-9852, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2020, Art. #1, pp. 1-7